Improving wellbeing support for distressed uni students
A study between Deakin and the Black Dog Institute is investigating how a novel AI-based trial method can deliver effective digital treatment to support student wellbeing.
A study between Deakin and the Black Dog Institute is investigating how a novel AI-based trial method can deliver effective digital treatment to support student wellbeing.
Our smart devices are collecting data about our personal lives. But does it doesn’t have to be this way.
Deakin’s MInD Lab specialise in ethical, intelligent technology. We sat down with Dr Domenico Mazza, a research Fellow within the Lab, to talk storytelling, digital placemaking and imagination.
The security of driverless vehicles will be critical for both community safety and industry growth.
A new Deakin University spin-out, Fika Entertainment, is pushing the boundaries in the development of transformative entertainment production.
A tool to help aged care staff understand the importance of communication for people living with dementia.
Deakin has devised a simulator that enables Australian astronauts and pilots to complete high-G training safely.
Deakin researchers, in collaboration with technology company Calix, are making swift progress towards producing cheaper, more efficient, environmentally-sound batteries right here in Australia.
The iPupilX is set to create a healthier advertising environment by tracking our engagement with cancer-causing products.
How do astronauts support their mental health way above the stratosphere? And what can this tell us about treatments back on Earth?
The COVIDSafe app could help us with contact tracing during the pandemic. But concerns around data collection have many Australians balking.
When we think of virtual reality, we may find our thoughts turning to video games. But VR has many other interesting and valuable uses in our world today.