The benefits of using artificial technology in healthcare is the topic of this year’s Harrison Lecture for Innovation, held as part of Barwon Health and Deakin Research Week 2018.
Research Week, from Monday 12 November to Friday 16 November, showcases the research activities of Barwon Health and Deakin University and includes guest lectures by prominent Geelong researchers, various presentations, and education sessions aimed at early researchers.
The Harrison Lecture, an annual public event, addresses innovation that impacts healthcare in some way. Presented this year by Professor Kon Mouzakis, Co-Director of Deakin’s Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A²I²) and Director of the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living, the lecture will explore the issues surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, its benefits and the potential to enhance and improve care provided to people who are aged, injured or have a disability.
[testimonial_text]There’s a lot of talk about the possibility of AI replacing human intelligence, but there’s another side we don’t hear so much about: the ability for AI to act as a companion to humans and as a technology that enhances human abilities, rather than replacing them.[/testimonial_text]
[testimonial_picture name=”Professor Kon Mouzakis” details=”Co-Director of A²I² and Director of ARC Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living”]

“Nowhere is this more true than in healthcare, where AI is already being used to assist doctors and nurses to make better decisions when stabilising trauma patients. It’s also allowing older people to live in their own homes for longer, and help the victims of road accidents regain their independence,” Prof Mouzakis said.
“We’re also using it in developing education tools to help us understand more about what it’s really like to live with conditions like dementia, for example.”
Prof Mouzakis is a Decision Support and Software Development expert with over 30 years of experience. Prior to his appointment as Director of the Deakin Software and Technology Innovation Lab (DSTIL) in 2016, he was the Director of the Swinburne Software Innovation Lab (formerly known as the Information Technology Innovation Group) for over 20 years.
In collaboration with the Alfred Hospital’s Trauma Centre, Prof Mouzakis developed the Trauma Reception and Resuscitation Decision Support tool, a world-first development that reduced the number of errors made by clinicians in the first 30 minutes of a patient arriving at the Alfred’s Trauma Centre.
The Harrison Lecture will held at the Western Beach Room, Deakin Geelong Waterfront on Friday 16 November at 4.30pm and will be followed by the presentation of the annual Barry Jones Medal.
Awarded to the person who has done the most to promote Geelong as a place of research and innovation in the past year, the medal will be presented by the man himself, Australian Living Treasure, The Hon Barry Jones AC.
Australia’s longest serving science minister (1983-1990) and best known intellectual, the irrepressible, Geelong-born Dr Jones is also a writer, lawyer, broadcaster and social activist.
As well as the Harrison Lecture and Barry Jones Medal, Research Week includes a number of other highlights.
The Opening Session features keynote speaker Professor Saeid Nahavandi, Director of Deakin’s Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation discussing ‘Haptically Enabled Tele-robotics and Tele-operations’ and the annual Ethics Debate will argue whether or not sport is bad for health.
The Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (GCEID), along with Deakin, Barwon Health and CSIRO’s Australian Animal Health Laboratory will also host a World One Health Day event, showcasing current research projects in Geelong to protect people, animals and the environment from infectious diseases.
All Research Week events are free, but registration for each event is essential. To view the full calendar and to register, visit
To register for the Harrison Lecture for Innovation and Barry Jones Medal, visit
Published by Deakin Research on 8 November 2018