


Exploring the frontiers of global health

Innovations in global healthcare will be the focus of a symposium hosted by Deakin and its research partners in India.

Since becoming the first international university to establish an office in India in 1994, Deakin University has built collaborations with some of India’s leading universities, research institutions and corporations, including the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) and the recently formed partnership with Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER).

Under Deakin’s unique In Country PhD program – which allows PhD candidates to study and work in their own country while receiving joint supervision from a Deakin researcher and a researcher at their home institute – the collaborative research programs being conducted by Deakin and its partners include a number of PhD projects looking at a range of health issues, from diabetes to cardiovascular disease.

To celebrate the work of these students and discuss opportunities for new research collaborations, Deakin’s Faculty of Health has organised a two-day symposium – “Frontiers in Global Health: Deakin and its partners in India” – to be held at Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre in Chennai, South India on November 29 and 30.

Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control was established by Dr Viswanathan Mohan, who is also the founder, president and director of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation and is recognised internationally for his extensive contribution to the field of diabetes prevention and treatment.

As well as providing the PhD students with the opportunity to present their work to leading Indian and Australian researchers, the symposium will feature presentations from 10 Deakin researchers and 20 Indian partner researchers, including the PhD supervisors and co-supervisors.

The Deakin delegation is led by Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Professor Peter Hodgson along with the Faculty of Health’s Associate Dean (Research) Professor Trish Livingston and Associate Dean (International), David Mellor.

“Deakin and its research partners in India have built substantial momentum in health research collaborations, so now is the ideal time to bring our partners together,” said Professor Mellor.

[testimonial_text]This significant event will provide the opportunity for Deakin and Indian researchers to discuss future research opportunities and collaborations.[/testimonial_text]
[testimonial_picture name=”Professor David Mellor” details=”Associate Dean (International)”]
Professor David Mellor[/testimonial_picture]

“The symposium will also celebrate our PhD students and their work and allow them to meet with their Australian supervisors face-to-face. It will also bring the Australian and Indian co-supervisors together,” he said.

The symposium’s program is built around four themes: global health, novel interventions, social factors in health and wellbeing, community based interventions and includes a keynote address by Dr Subhash Chandra Parija, Director of JIPMER and a special address by guest of honour Dr. Ajit Mullasari, Director of the Madras Medical Mission.

Published by Deakin Research on 20 November 2017

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